You are invited to participate in the 7th ISGS Online Summer School: Hybrid Materials: cutting-edge applications. It will take place on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd September 2020 at 12:00h UTC -14:00h CEST-Berlin-Paris.

Hybrid organic-inorganic materials are a hot topic and one of the most open to innovation and ready to technology transfer. Hybrid materials, being at the interface of organic, inorganic and biological realms, are highly versatile systems, offering a wide range of possibilities to elaborate tailor-made functional materials. Today, many hybrid materials are in the market and they should expand in the next future according to new societal challenges.

This School will provide a multidisciplinary approach on different classes of Hybrid Materials (nanoparticles, films, aerogels, coatings, nanocomposites…), which are at the core of technologies with an impact in our society.

The Online version of the ISGS Summer School will comprise two sessions on consecutive days. The Oral Sessions will consist of focused talks of 15 minutes by Invited Speakers, which will allow for a plethora of different angles on the topics to be covered. Discussion Panels and an ePoster Session will be included, in which scientists from various backgrounds will be able to present and discuss their work.

In the ePoster Session, attendees and authors will be able to share their ideas and get feedback from their colleagues worldwide through a chatroom. All participants will be able to join and present here their work. Due to the short format of the school, with only invited speakers, we encourage senior researchers to present ePosters, and of course, we expect enthusiastic participation from junior researchers.

***Register now and submit an ePoster and win one of the registration grants and poster prizes sponsored by the International Sol-Gel Society (ISGS), Springer and Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ: GEQI and QES groups).

For more details about Speakers, Registration, Deadlines and Grants, visit the School website:

 Our aim is to provide a platform for scientists and professionals to share their research globally, thus inspiring new research ideas within the speakers and the audience alike, from which innovative new approaches to known problems and collaborations across all sub-fields will arise. Join us in this exciting School!!!

Organizers: Beatriz Julián-López (INAM-UJI, Spain) Verónica de Zea Bermudez (UTAD, Portugal)